Are you the one who wants to make someone love you? In the holy Quran, there is a powerful dua to make someone love you. Many people read the Quran and know about this powerful dua. But they don’t know how to perform this powerful dua.
So today we are here to guide you about how to perform this powerful dua to make someone love in a proper halal way.
It’s my humble request to read this article completely as at last we will provide you with the most powerful Wazifa to make someone love you. Share this valuable content to your friends and family.
Dua For Someone Who Tells You I Love You For The Sake Of Allah
If you want to make someone propose their emotions and feelings of love towards you, then you have to read this Subhanaka la ilaha illa anta ya rabba kulli dua so that you will be able to make your circumstances around you in such a way that it will help you to set up certain Destiny in proper order.
This will also I love you too. Express your emotions in a better way in front of the person you love so much so that you will become more comfortable and confident with your favourite person who will then express their feelings in front of you in the same way.
Powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You
What is the dua for love of people? The dua for love of people is the Dua to make someone love you. If any of my sisters and brothers want to make someone love you and marry you. Then they can recite our powerful and effective dua to make someone love you. This effective dua you can recite for your boyfriend also to make him marry you.
If you want to make a specific person love and marry you. Then also you can recite this powerful dua given below. We are giving you this dua in a proper halal way.
How Do You Ask Allah For Someone You Love?
- Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly,
- Durood Sharif: starting this dua by reading Durood sharif 11 times,
- Dua: After durood Sharif you have to read It is as Allah has pleased,
- there is no power save in Allah [Sura Kahf, Verse 39] for 86 times.
- Durood Sharif: Just after Dua you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times.
- Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and intention to make someone love you and marry you.

If you want to make your dua accepted by Almighty Allah. Then recite this powerful dua with the above steps. These steps make your dua so strong that you will get quick results in just three days.
Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love
This is a very powerful prayer which can help you to make someone love you immediately if you read it in the following may mention below.
- First, clean yourself and search for a clean please.
- After this make a blow in the air.
- Now close your eyes and remember Allah.
- After this read the durood Sharif 66 times.
- After this read. Surah-iqbal 4 times continuously.
- Then get up and open your door to enter the fresh air in the room.

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
No matter how many problems you are facing, if you read it properly according to the following ways, then you can get someone to fall in love with you immediately.
- Take a cold shower and clean your face.
- After this apply a good fragrance to your body.
- Then sit in a silent place where you can pray.
- Now read the durood Sharif 25 times.
- After this take a deep breath and remember your partner.
- After these read surah-yasin 8 times.
- After this, thank Allah for all the blessings.
Importance Of This Article
No matter how much information is available on the internet the information for providing you is above all in terms of research and analysis. We have provided so many prayers to our Islamic scholars who have tried and tested this on the various people who believe in Islam and keep faith in the powers of Allah.
Apart from this, we also assist you 24×7, where we solve the problems of our readers that how much they are doing with our prayers. If we get positive results, then we share this with another reader, and if there are any flaws in our information, then we correct it at the same time.
Is There A Dua In Islam To Win Back Someone’s Love?
There is a very powerful and specific dua in Islam which can help you to win back someone’s love because it is provided with so many actions and instructions which can help a person to revive his love in a very short period of time. If you’re facing any kind of such problems in your life, then you can read surah-islam to get the benefit results immediately in your life.
This will help you to reach certain amount of confidence and eagerness to get your love back in your life. It will also help you to survive throughout your life in such a way that you will get the best direction by the blessings of Allah.
Ruqyha For Someone You Love
When you are in love with someone, you are totally into them, and you do not think of anything about them. It is very important to survive with a great bonding of love so that life becomes happy and peaceful.
If you are not having the same relationship, then you can ask Allah for certain guidelines and blessings so that you will be able to revive your relationship in a better way. It is very important to increase mutual understanding. So their new misunderstandings and arguments will be there in your relationship.
This will not only help you to grow together but also it will make a positive environment around you and your family.
Surah For Someone Love With You
Which surah is for love? This is a very powerful Dua which can get the love from your partner in a very short period of time. If you read it according to the following ways mentioned below.
- First clean yourself and sit in a good environment.
- After this close your eyes and remember Allah.
- After this read the durood Sharif 21 times.
- After this read. Surah-katil 6 times to get Love.
Powerful Wazifa To Make Someone Mad In Love With You
How to make him love me in Islam? If any of my sisters want to make someone love you in islam. Then they can recite our powerful Wazifa to make someone mad in love with you. This powerful wazifa is also known as the love prayer in Islam.
Here is a powerful wazifa to make someone mad in love with you,
- Start with writing your love name and your name on a piece of paper.
- Then read Durood Sharif 11 times,
- After that read Surah-Al-Imran for 21 times.
- Then you have to blow on that piece of paper.
- At the end you have to pray to Allah to make him mad in love love with you.
Read this Wazifa with pure intention and felling so that you will get results in three days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best method to convince my partner?
If you keep focusing on the likes and dislikes of your partner, then you will be able to understand what kind of problems you are providing to your partner and how you can make them happy in a very short period.
Is There Anyway I Can Get The Blessings Of Allah Without Prayer?
No, if you want a proper result and good blessings from Allah, then you have to make the prayers with your dedication and determination so that he can guide you with his love, care, and support on time.
How Can We Differentiate Between The Powers Of Allah And Destiny With Our Life?
The universe revolves around. The miraculous powers of Allah, and due to this, we can conclude that all the things happening in this world or in the hands of Allah. So try to show some faith yeah so that you will be able to get the best benefit out of our prayers.
key Point
Whenever you make up rain, just remind that you should keep good hard, and pure intentions in your mind so that Allah can guide you with your blessings and support throughout your life. It is very important to say good things in front of Allah in terms of prayers so that you will get the best benefit out of it in a very short period of time.
If you say false statements in your prayers, then you will not get the desired results properly. Hence, it is advisable and recommended for you stay honest and decent while making the prayers.