Assalamu Alaikum to all our readers and followers. Do you want to marry your love? If any of my brothers and sisters want to marry their love.
Then they can read our article completely. As today in this article, we will provide you with the most powerful and effective Duas and Wazifas that help you to get married to your love in just a week.
As we all know after getting into a serious relationship the boy and girl want to get married and want to live together for their whole life.
However due to some challenges like family pressure, partner rejection, financial limitation and societal mindset and some other challenges. These challenges can break your dream of your marriage with your love.
In this situation “dua to marry someone you love” helps you to get proper blessings from Almighty Allah and also helps you to overcome these challenges. This powerful dua helps you to get your love in a proper halal way and helps you to get married to your love in just a week.
Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love
Which is the best dua for getting married to the person you love? The best dua for getting married to the person you love is “dua to get married to someone you love“.
This dua is taken from the holy book Quran. This is the best dua for getting married quickly in Islam. If any of my brothers and sisters want to get married to the person they love. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua.
Here is Dua to get married to your love,
Dua- “Yaa Musabbibal Asbaabi Yaa Mufattihal Abwaabi Yaa Man Haythu Maa Du-ee-Ya Ajaaba”
You can also perform this powerful and effective dua to find a true love in Islam. You should recite Effective Dua To Marry The Person You Love.
How can I make a dua to marry a specific person?
If you want to make dua to marry someone you love in a proper halal way. Then you can recite our above dua with the following steps. These steps are clearly mentioned and taken from the holy books of the Quran. These steps help you to get proper blessings from Allah SWT and get the desired results in just three days.
- Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly.
- Durood Sharif: starting this dua by reading Durood Sharif 11 times
- Dua: “Yaa Musabbibal Asbaabi Yaa Mufattihal Abwaabi
- Yaa Man Haythu Maa Du-ee-Ya Ajaaba” read this dua for 11 times
- Durood Sharif: Just after dua you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times.
- Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and feeling to get married to someone you love.

Dua To Marry Someone Of Your Choice
When you want to marry someone of your choice, it becomes very hard. Because so many people around, you does not get agree with your choice. But, if you want to make it possible, then you have to read this dua “Allahumma kama ahsanta khalgi fahas’sin khulugi”.
So that you will be able to convince the mind of people around you and your partner in such a way that they will cherish and support every aspect of your relationship. This is a very tried and tested method by so many people in this world and they got the desired results in a very short period of time irrespective of their situations and circumstances.
Dua To Marry Someone You Love But Parents Are Objecting
What is the powerful dua to get married to a specific person? Everyone wants to marry to the person of their choice. But sometimes parents don’t give us permission to marry the person of your choice. If any of my brothers and sisters want to marry someone you love but your parents are not allowing you. Then you can recite this effective dua. This powerful dua is the dua for love marriage in Islam.
Here is Dua to marry someone you like,
- Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly.
- Durood Sharif: starting this dua by reading Durood sharif 11 times
- Dua: After durood Sharif you have to read Surah-al-Ahzaab and Surah-al-Taha for 11 times
- Durood Sharif: Just after Surah you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times.
- Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and feeling to agree parents form love marriage.

Dua To Marry Someone You Love or The Person You Want
When you love someone in your life and you want them to be a life partner then you have to read this dua in a very specific way as mentioned below to get the desired results in a short period of time. Dua To Get married To A Specific Person
- Plan your day and search for a clean surface.
- After this sit on that clean side and pray.
- Now read durood sharif 47 times.
- After this read surah-al-ASAR (verse 2:3) 5 times.
- Now get up and go to sleep immediately.
Important Point
There are so many powerful and impactful prayers available on the Internet in today’s world but if you get a closer look then they are not helpful enough to solve our problems in life. Wazifa For Love Best Islamic Guidance
Hence, we have provided you with solutions which are deeply researched by famous Islamic scholars who have tried and tested such kinds of prayers on different individuals who were also suffering from the same kind of mistakes.
This will help you to get a certain level of guidance and enlightening instructions which can give you the path of your life to stay happy and tension free.
Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person
If you want to get married to someone special in your life, then you have to read these special Dua as in the same mentioned below to get the best benefit out of it. In this way, you will be able to find a special person in your life. Dua For Marriage With A Loved One,
- Make a fresh ablution in the early morning.
- Now clean your hands and face with a clean towel.
- After this read Durood Sharif 75 times.
- Now read surah-ayat (verse 1:4) 5 times.
- After this thank Allah for a good life partner.
is there anyway I can stay satisfy With my wife always?
If you are the kind of person who always has some desires in his life then you’ll not be able to stay satisfied all time and hence you need to change your habits and behaviour so that you can live happily with your partner.
Can You Change The Person You Marry
There are so many chances that a person will get change when they get attached to someone in their life. If you do not like any of the things in your partner and still want to be with them, then you can try to convince them in such a way that they can change their behaviour according to you so that both of you can live happily and peacefully together for the rest of your life.
This will simplify your relationship and give you immense satisfaction, pleasure, and happiness in life that both of you will enjoy the company of each other whenever you go around together, yeah and meet a different kind of people in your life.Dua To Marry My Favourite Person.
Ruqyha Hadith For Married Someone Loves You
Al waqeel, we have brought you so many good prayers in this article that you will be get immense Blessings from Allah.
You don’t have to worry about the problems which are coming in your life because you will get satisfactory solutions in your life.
Al mateen, you will be able to get good directions in your life if you take care of the certain things around you and beautifully look for them.
Al haqq, this type of perception can solve your every problem in life and can lead to a happy, prosperous and calming life that you are seeking.
Surah And Wazifa To Marry Someone Of Your Choice
This is a very powerful Sura which can help you to find out someone of your choice who will take care of you in every situation. If you read this in a specific way as mentioned below. Powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You And Marry You.
- Try to wake up early in the morning.
- After this take a fresh cold bath.
- Now read durood sharif 46 times.
- After this read surah-al-Mulk (verse 1:3) 5 times.
- Now read this powerful wazifa lallaahumma innee aluudu bika min munkaraatil-akhlaag.

How can I get rid of problems in my life?
If you want to get rid of all the problems and issues in your life, then you have to get close to Allah by making more and more pair so that you can get the blessings, love, and support of Allah in a very good way.
Is there any way I can stay satisfied With my wife always?
If you are the kind of person who always has some desires in his life then you’ll not be able to stay satisfied all time and hence you need to change your habits and behaviour so that you can live happily with your partner. Also recite Powerful Dua To Marry A Specific Person.
what are the problems, people face in marriage life?
There are so many kinds of arguments and unnecessary disappointments which occurs in a relationship so it is advisable for every couple to reach On a conclusion whenever there is a fight and then solve it with a calen mind.
key Point
The very most important thing which you need to keep in mind while reciting the prayers is that irrespective of your environment, you need to perform all the prayers in a calm environment so that you can avail good focus on your prayers.
Also, it is recommended to apply a different kind of tactics in your relationship with respect to the behaviour of your partner so that you can understand them in a better way and take certain decisions in your life accordingly.
This will help you to make a longer and stronger bond between both of you so that you won’t feel boring with each other in any case.