Dua For Love Marriage

Special Dua For Love Marriage In Islam


Assalam Alaikum, to all my readers and followers. If any of my brothers and sisters want to do a love marriage without any obstacles. Then this article is very important for you. Today in this article, we will provide you with powerful dua and Surah for love marriage.

Are you the one who wants to do a love marriage in Islam? If you want to do a love marriage according to Islam. Then you have to read this article completely. It’s my humble request to share this article with your friends and family. Also, Share this content with the person who wants to do a love marriage.

Niyyah To Perform Dua For Love Marriage

Dua for love marriage is a very powerful dua which is taken from the holy book Quran. When making a dua for love marriage, you can express your sincere intentions to seek Allah’s guidance and blessings for a successful and loving someone.

It’s essential to make the Niyyah with sincerity and a true belief in Allah’s wisdom. If your intention is not good and pure. Then this dua will harm you. So it’s very important to read this dua with pure intention. Make sure that you have proper love and affection towards the person whom you want to marry.

Dua For Love Marriage

What is dua for love marriage in 7 days? If any of my readers and followers want to do a love marriage without any problems. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua for love marriage. This dua is taken from the holy book Quran. This is the best dua for love love marriage In Islam. This dua removes all the problems and also this dua helps you to convince your parents and partner for a love marriage.

How to make dua to marry someone you love? If your parents are against your love marriage. Then read our powerful and effective dua for love marriage with the following steps. These steps help you to perform this dua in a proper halal way and provide proper blessing from Almighty Allah.

Dua For Love Marriage
Dua For Love Marriage
  • Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly.
  • Durood Sharif: Start this dua by reading Durood Sharif 11 times.
  • Dua: Now you have to recite Surah-al-Mumtahinah (chapter 60) and recite surah at Taha (chapter 20) 11 times.
  • Durood Sharif: Just after that you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times.
  • Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and intention to do a love marriage.

Dua For Love Marriage to Convince Parents

Marriage without a parent’s blessing is not accepted in Islam. Without your parent’s blessings, Allah will not accept your love marriage. If you want to convince your parents for your love marriage. Then you can read this effective and strong dua. This dua also helps you to ask Allah for someone you love who is good for you.

How can I marry the person I love? If you want to marry the person you love. Then you can read our effective and powerful dua for love marriage to convince parents with the following steps. These steps help you to get married in just three days and get proper blessings from Almighty Allah.

  • Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly.
  • Durood Sharif: Start this dua by reading Durood Sharif 11 times.
  • Dua: Now you have to recite Surah al Ahzab (chapter 33) and Surah Taha Ayat No. 131 for 7 times.
  • Durood Sharif: Just after that you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times.
  • Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and intention to do a love marriage.

Surah To Get Married to Your Love

Which surah is best for a love marriage? The best Surah for love marriage is Surah-al-Imran. This is a powerful and effective Surah in Islam. Which many of our followers and readers used to marry with their love. If you also want to get married to your love. Then you can recite this Surah with the following instructions. These instructions are taken from the holy book of Islam.

  • Perform wudu: it means you have to clean yourself properly.
  • Start with reciting Durood Sharif 7 times.
  • After this, you have to recite Surah-Al-Imran 86 times.
  • Just after that, you have to again recite Durood Sharif 7 times.
  • At last pray to Allah with pure heart and intention to get married to your love.
  • These instructions make your Islamic prayer in a proper halal way and provide you with a proper blessing from Almighty Allah.

Key Point

At last, I only want to say that dua for love back and marriage in Islam requires sincere intentions, pure hearts, and a strong connection with Allah. The powerful dua and Surah mentioned in this article serve as a spiritual guide for those seeking Allah’s blessings and approval for their love marriages.

If you also want to convince your parents to love marriage. Then also you can read our powerful dua given in this article.

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