As-salam Alaykum to all my brothers and sisters. Do you want to convince your parents to love marriage? If any of my readers and followers want their parents to agree to their love marriage. Then this article is for them only.
Today in this article Islam helps provide you with the most powerful Duas and wazifas to agree with your parents for a love marriage. This article helps you to solve every problem that occurs in your love marriage and helps to provide proper blessing from Allah for you.
First of all, you must know the importance of Dua. To know this you will have to go into the past and see where and how Dua started. If all of you brothers and sisters know this then it is a very good thing. If you do not know then let me tell you that Dua was started by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He had found a way to contact Allah.
And today I will tell you a successful story that has many results. If you do not understand the way to pray then you should take the help of Islamic scholar Akhtar Ali.
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If you want to take the real benefit of this prayer then read this prayer till the end, only then you will understand it, otherwise you will keep wandering here and there, so read this article completely.
“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I am heartened by your great numbers before the nations (of other Prophets).” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
You Must Know These Points Before Reading Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents
Step No.1 | First of all, I will tell you that your intention should be clear, if you use the da for the wrong work then you will suffer a lot of loss. |
Step No.2 | If you want to get the right result of this prayer then let me make it clear to you that you have to read this prayer at least for 3 days. |
Step No.3 | Along with Dua, you should also maintain good communication with your parents. |
Step No.4 | Remember that whenever you pray, your face should be towards the Qibla. |
Step No.5 | After the Dua is over, always remember Allah so that your father and mother (parents) agree to your marriage |

What Is Benefit Dua To Make His Parents Agree To Marriage
I just told you above that I will share a success story with you, so let me tell you what benefits you will get by doing this dua.
Some time back we received a call from a sister and she told us that her family members were not agreeing to her love marriage. I will tell you the dua I told to that sister and the benefits of it.
- After doing this dua, you will get to hear good news from your family which will be beneficial for you.
- After doing this dua, your parents and your lover’s parents will not refuse this marriage and they will happily get you married.
- If your parents agree but your lover’s parents do not agree, then keep in mind that after doing this dua, this problem of yours will also go away.

Why It Is Important Convince Parents For Love Marriage
If you want to know why this prayer is important for you, then I will tell you that this prayer is very important for you because after doing this prayer.
You will have faith in prayer and Allah, and after that your family members will also happily marry you, the mental stress on you will go away and according to this, this prayer is very important for you.
The Effect Of Prayer And Its Benefits With Infographic

Dua For Love Marriage Arabic, Translate
Arabic dua
هُنَالِكَ دَعَا زَكَرِيَّا رَبَّهُۥۖ قَالَ رَبِّ هَبۡ لِي مِن لَّدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةٗ طَيِّبَةًۖ إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ ٱلدُّعَآءِ
Hunaaalika da’aa Zakariyyaa Rabbahoo qaala Rabbi hab lee mil ladunka zurriyyatan taiyibatan innaka samee’ud du’aaa’
5 Steps To Perform Love Marriage To Agree Parents
- First, you have to do wudu.
- Now you have to recite bismillah hirrahman nirrahim.
- After this, you have to recite ya wudu 345 times.
- Now you recite Durood Shareef 99 times.
- And last you recite (Surah Al-Imran 3:38)

How To Perform Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents
In a love marriage, you need to develop your bond in such a way that no one can harm you in any way. Love Marriages are a way of transferring your emotions and love to your partner in a very sweet way. If you are not able to perform all such actions in your life. Also, recite Dua For Marriage With A Loved One.
Then you have to read this Hunaaalika da’aa Zakariyyaa Rabbahoo qaala Rabbi hab lee mil ladunka zurriyyatan taiyibatan innaka samee’ud du’aaa’ dua so that you will be able to express your emotions in a better way your life partner. This will also help you to express your mental illness in front of your partner so that you can improve your communication and understanding in a better way.
Dua To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
What dua is used for acceptance of marriage? The dua which is used for acceptance of marriage is “dua to convince parents for marriage”. Through this dua, many of our readers and followers complete their dream to marry the person of their choice in just three days.
If any of my brothers and sisters want to convince their parents of their love marriage. Then recite this powerful and effective dua. You can also recite this dua to convince parents to intercaste love marriage. Here is dua to convince parents for love marriage,
- You have to take a bath and wear fresh clothes before tahajjud time,
- Now at tahajjud time sit on your prayer mat and read Durood Sharif 7 times,
- After this Read dua (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1166) sincerely 7 times,
- Just after that read Durood Sharif 7 times again,
- At last pray to Almighty Allah to convince your parents to love marriage.

Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Partner
‘Dua to agree partner for marriage’ is a powerful dua in Islam to convince your partner and parents for your love marriage. My sisters can recite this dua to marry a specific person in their life. You can also recite this dua to grant you your love even though that person is engaged. Here is dua to agree partner for love marriage,
- Perform Wudu: it means to clean yourself properly,
- Durood Sharif: starting this dua by reading Durood Sharif 11 times,
- Now recite Surah Az-Zumar (39:18).
- Dua: “Allazeena yastami’oonal qawla fayattabi’oona ahsanah; ulaaa’ikal lazeena hadaahumul laahu wa ulaaa’ika hum ulul albaab” read this dua for 11 times,
- Durood Sharif: Just after Salawat you have to read Durood Sharif again 7 times,
- Almighty Allah: At last pray to Allah with pure heart and feeling to agree to your parents for your love marriage.

Quranic Dua And Wazifa To Convince Parents to Agree to Love Marriage
It is essential to convince the parents before the marriage so that you can live happily in your married life.
If your parents do not agree to your love marriage, then you have to read this. Surah istikbal [verse 15:17] And read ayatul kursi wazifa for love marriage, ayat e karima wazifa for love marriage
How Can I Increase The Effectiveness Of My Prayers?
If you read it, bye with deep focus, then you will be able to increase the effectiveness of your prayer in a very short period and get good results for sure.
Dua To Make Someone Love You And Marry You
when you want to make someone love you and marry you, it is very important to convince them in such a specific way that it would show great impact on their heart. To do this read this prayer in the specific be mentioned below. You Read This dua Powerful Wazifa To Live With Husband Apart From Parents.
- First, clean yourself with cold water.
- After this get a silent place to pray.
- Now read durood sharif 48 times.
- After this read surah muzammil (verse 14:25) to make someone love you.
- After this get up and make blow in the air.Dua for Love Back Quiz.
Most people Asked This Question
What is the best method to convince the parents of my partner?
The only method that can help you to convince your parents in a better way is reading the prayer with decency and honesty so that Allah can guide you with certain actions and provide his blessings, love, and support to get the love marriage done easily.
How Can I Increase The Effectiveness Of My Prayers?
If you read it, bye with deep focus, then you will be able to increase the effectiveness of your prayer in a very short period and get good results for sure.
Is There any way I Can Convince My Partner For Love Marriage Sooner?
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key Point
The most important concern of this prayer is that you have to be very serious while reciting such prayers because it increases its effectiveness and hard times. When this kind of prayer or read enough positively, it shows a positive impact in a very short period. Powerful Dua To Get Married With The Person You Love.
But you need to be careful by paying your mind and heart mobile when performing a task. It is also advisable that you follow the instructions and regulations that are necessary to perform the prayer so that you can get the best benefit out of it in a very short period.