If you want to get in someone’s mind, then you have to be very conscious while performing your actions and gestures in front of them. This will help you to stay remembered in their mind. If you want another support, then you have to read this Allaahumma ‘innaa nas’aluka fee safarinaa haathal-, waminal-amalimaa tardhaa.
Do you always want someone to think about you? If any of my brothers and sisters want someone, think about them always. Then this article is for them. In this article we will share a powerful and effective dua to make him fall in love with you. It’s my humble request to read this article till last and share this article with your friends and family.
If any of my brothers and sisters want their love come back in their life. Then they can read our powerful and effective dua to get love back.
How Does This Dua Will Help You To Make Someone Think Of You?
Through this dua you will be able to make a great impact in their life that they won’t forget you in their lifetime. When it is about the connection between both of you, you need to be very careful and conscious to perform certain actions even around the people who know your partner.
This will help you to create a great impact in their life and also you will feel good and positive to be around them. It feels very good when someone thinks of You in their special moments and thanks you for being so special in their life.
Through this powerful dua many of my readers and followers make their crush or love fall in love with them. Many of my married sisters read this dua to make their husband always think about them and call them while they are at work. Because after reciting this dua their love and crush always think about them while doing any work. Here are some personal experience and benefits from this dua to my readers and followers,
Communication With Partner: This powerful Dua is a way to communicate your feelings, desires, and intentions to your husband or crush (lover), even on a spiritual level, encouraging him to think about you and your relationship.
- Improve Connection: This dua will help you to strengthen the emotional bond between you and the person you want to think about you and call you, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.
- Resolution of Issues: This Dua can also be used as a tool for resolving misunderstandings or conflicts by encouraging positive thoughts and intentions between you and your partner.

If you want to make someone miss you. Then read our powerful dua to make someone miss you.
What Is Dua To Make him Call Me Now?
Someone will start immediately remembering you, if you read this Allaahumma hawwin ‘alavnaa safaranaa haat’ watwi ‘annaa bu’dahu, because it is so powerful and impactful that nobody in this world can deny the power of it when it comes to the memorable things and moments. This will help you to set up a vibe in such a way that everybody around you will start remembering you immediately and they will think of you only.
When you perform this prayer, you will experience a great sense of positivity in you and you will be able to get attraction and affection from people who love you so much. No matter what kind of problem you are facing in your life, but when you read this prayer, you will be able to get the love of people around you in a very positive way. Dua To Get married To A Specific Person,
How do you make a dua for someone you really want?
If you want that your love with call you now, then you have to recite this dua in a proper halal manner. How you will you make your dua in a proper halal manner. If you want to make your dua in a proper halal way. Then you have read this dua with the following steps.
These steps will help you to get proper blessings from Allah and help you to get quick results in 24 hours. Here are the steps,
- You have to take bath and wear fresh clothes before tahajjud time,
- Now at tahajjud time sit on your prayer mat and read Durood Sharif 7 times,
- After this Read this dua- “ Allaahumma hawwin ‘alavnaa safaranaa haat’ watwi ‘annaa bu’dahu”sincerely for 7 times,
- Just after that read Durood Sharif 7 times again,
- At last pray to Almighty Allah to make your husband or crush Always think about you and call you.
If you want to make someone love you and respect you. Then you can read our powerful dua to make someone love you in 3 days.
Which Dua Will Make Someone Fall In Love With You?
- Make a fresh ablution in the early morning.
- Now close your eyes.
- After this read durood sharif 54 times.
- After this read surah-al-taza (verse 1:3) 6 times.
- Now make a blow in the air.

It is a matter of fact, that irrespective of the situations and circumstances, everybody faces so many difficulties and issues in their life but if you take support of these players, then you will realise that Allah has started supporting you with positive vibes and giving you the safe sense of blessings which will help you to get rid of certain problems in your life.
Also, it can benefit the people and friends around you who believe in the powers of Allah. You can share it with your friends and family so that they can understand the benefit and processes of it and make their life easy wherever they go so that they won’t feel any kind of problem in their life.
Ruqyha And Hadith For Make Him Think Of Me
Al waqeel, there are so many people in this world, who keeps thinking about the people whom They love immensely, but it becomes very hard to forget their memories when they not like you. Now when it comes to you, you can make it possible with the help of our prayers easily and confidently to get a direction and affection of the people.
Al mateen, you can be the center of attraction when you perform certain actions when people are around you after reading this prayer because it will create and boost a set of confidence and attitude in you so that you can highlight Ina bunch of people where ever you go. Al haqq, this is so powerful that you can get positivity and confidence for the rest of your life, irrespective of the problems and issues going on.
Surah And Wazifa To Think Of You
If you want someone to think of You immediately, then read this pair in the specific way we have provided the steps so that you will get the best benefit out of it in a very short period of time. Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
- Search for a clean environment in the house.
- Now sit and pray to get love.
- After this read durood sharif 74 times.
- Now read surah-al-rehmaan (verse 4:3) 5 times.
- Now read this powerful wazifa Allaahumma ‘Antas-sfis-safari, walkhaleefatu fil-‘ahli,

Is it okay to mention clearly what I feel about my partner? It is always good to be honest in front of your partner because then only you will be able to share and coordinate with the thoughts of your partner and this may both of you love and respect each other. |
key Point
It is very important to understand that this Kind of prayer is not meant to create or increase its effectiveness if not taken seriously. When you are reading this prayer, you need to be very serious and make your attitude strong while making the dua in front of Allah.
You need to also take the name of your partner so that he can love you immensely when you are around them. It will also help you to control them in a very positive way so that they will always listen to you properly irrespective of your situation and circumstances.